Chapter 7 & 8.  Notes Part 1, How Cells Reproduce and Observing Patterns in Inherited Traits 

I.  Background Vocabulary of nucleus and its contents

Chromosome - (see fig. 7.1).  a DNA molecule and associated histone proteins, or if the chromosome is replicated, two identical DNA molecules and proteins held together at a region called the centromere.  In replicated (=duplicated) chromosomes each of the two identical DNA molecules and the associated histone proteins is called a sister chromatid.  The structure of chromosomes is not visible when the nucleus is not dividing.

Chromosome number – every kind of organism has a particular number of chromosomes.  This number is found in the nuclei of all its cells (except in special reproductive cells).  Ex. humans 46; ferns 100’s; houseflies 12; hydra 32; mosses 12

Karyotype - a pictorial display of an organism’s chromosomes arranged by size and shape.  See fig. 7.3 for example of human karyotypes.

Haploid and Diploid – through karyotype preparations, cytologists discovered that a nucleus may contain one or two sets of chromosomes.  Human nuclei have two sets of chromosomes, that is they are diploid [“two of each type of chromosome are present”]; only human gamete nuclei have a single set of chromosomes and are thus called haploid ["only one of each type of chromosome is present"].  The concept of set is indeed quite important.   Reflecting this importance, not only were new words created (haploid and diploid) but also symbols were adopted to express this all important concept:

            n = one set, where “n” is for set and the “one” is implied; also = haploid.

            2n = two sets, where “n” is for set; also = diploid.

            A “set” of chromosomes is one of each kind of chromosome.  Fortunately, chromosomes have specific appearances based on overall length and centromere position.  Thus, for humans, cytologist discovered only 23 uniquely shaped chromosomes, that is 23 chromosomes in a set.  Also, it was discovered that for every uniquely shaped chromosome there were two chromosomes exactly alike.  The two chromosomes that correspond between sets constitute a homologous pair of chromosomes.  

Homologous Chromosomes – two chromosomes with the same morphology (appearance) that carry the same sequence of genes.  Homologous chromosomes are from opposite sets of chromosomes.   A pair of homologous chromosomes carries gene pairs (see below).  Homologous chromosomes may also be called homologues-chromosomes that are homologous.  

Gene - a segment of DNA in a chromosome that influences a trait.

Junk DNA - segments of DNA that do not influence any trait but are important variable portions of our DNA that make DNA fingerprinting possible (more later about this).

Allele - a particular form of a given gene

Genotype - the combination of alleles

Gene Pairs - the two alleles of a gene on homologous chromosomes, if the gene pair consists of two identical alleles (e.g. AA or aa) the genotype is homozygous, if they are different (e.g. Aa) the genotype is heterozygous.

II.  Cell cycle:  see fig. 7.2.  A symbolic way to represent the events within a cell as it prepares to divide; for a developing embryo, most cells are busy repeating the cell cycle.  But keep in mind that for us as adults with fully differentiated cell types, not all cells complete the cell cycle because some specialized cells will rarely divide again (e.g. muscle and nerve cells) or never divide again (red blood cells), especially those cells that function only after their death, e.g. cells that line our mouth are dead, cells that make up our hair are dead, in plants water conducting xylem cells are dead and dead cells can’t do the cell cycle.  Even during embryonic development some cells die and are digested by cells of the immune system (see the fingers not yet fully formed in fig. 7.15

            The cell cycle consists of two major periods:  Interphase - a name for the period in which a cell is not dividing; the cell is otherwise functioning metabolically, doing the things a cell needs to do to stay alive, ATP production for example. So, interphase is not a “resting stage” per se.  It can be considered a resting stage only from the point of view that the cell is “resting” between divisions.  During this pause or “rest” between divisions one particular metabolic event will occur if the cell is to divide again (see below).  The second major period of the cell cycle is cell division (typically mitosis and cytoplasmic division).

            The important thing to know about the cell cycle is this:  it is regulated and under genetic control.  Many cells should never leave the G1 phase of interphase.  All chromosomes during the G1 phase consist of single chromatids.  It is during this condition that many genes are expressed so that the cell does its job keeping our bodies alive (e.g. Krebs Cycle and ATP production along with many other activities).  Only if the cell needs to divide will it inter into the S phase.  The events during the S phase are intangible otherwise as they can’t be seen by human eyes.  These events are labeled “S” for synthesis.  The “S” phase of interphase is when DNA is replicated (duplicated).  This is when chromosomes gain their sister chromatids through a duplication process to be covered later.  It is important to lose the misconception that sister chromatids “pair up.”  Instead it is better to have a notion of an unreplicated chromosome essentially splitting itself down the middle lengthwise and then healing to become two chromatids held together at the centromere.   

The Cell Cycle and Cancer - if the molecular breaks are not working during G1, uncontrolled and repeated cell divisions result and a tumor may grow.  Cells in cancerous tumors (see fig. 7.15) release abnormal proteins some of which signal forth the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor.  As the abnormal cells within the cancer do not adhere to one another well, they are apt to dislodge and be carried by the blood stream to vital organs of the body where new, life threatening, pain causing, tumors begin.  Metastasis is the name given to the spread of cancerous cells to other parts of the body.

III. MITOSIS - a cell division process in which one cell divides and becomes two cells.  The nuclei of the two cells are genetic clones of one another—-that is, each nucleus has the same DNA as the other.

            Repairs & replaces dead or injured tissue (EX. Red Blood Cells live only about 120 days; Check Cells lining your mouth have even shorter lives)

            Results in growth of the individual in multicellular organisms

            Results in population growth in asexually reproducing unicellular life, plants, and some animals (recall fragmentation and regeneration of body parts)

            Produces genetic clones of mother cell (an advantage in stable environments when the clone is well suited to that environment)

Can produce many cell types, that while they be genetic clones, the cell types differ markedly, ex. compare these genetic clones, an epithelial check cell seen in lab and a nerve cell that reaches from your spine to your big toe.  They look nothing alike yet carry the same genes.

            Is a one division process producing only two new cells 

IV.  Meiosis.  Meiosis is one of the necessary events needed to complete sexual reproduction.  As a type of nuclear division (or karyokinesis) meiosis is a bit more complex than mitosis.  So, one might ask what’s the benefit of a more complex division process (meiosis) over that of a simpler division process (mitosis)?   Meiosis does have beyond the events of mitosis such occurrences as synapsis (the physical pairing of homologous chromosomes during prophase I)  and separation of homologues (the two chromosomes of a synapsed pair separate during anaphase I and end up in separate cells by the end of meiosis I).  You might answer that meiosis is a two rather than one division process, that four rather than 2 daughter cells are formed, and that chromosome numbers are reduced by one half in the newly formed daughter cells.  These are all true but such facts do not answer the question of what’s the benefit of meiosis over that of mitosis?  Increased genetic variation through the production of new combinations of alleles is a direct result of meiosis, specifically crossing over during meiosis.  Crossing over is the exchange of chromosome fragments (thus alleles) between nonsister chromosomes of a synapsed pair of homologues.  New combinations of alleles will be found on the chromosomes after crossing over.  Both mitosis and meiosis play important roles in reproduction.  Mitosis allows for growth in multicellular organisms, repair and replacement of damaged tissues, and asexual reproduction.  To understand the benefits of meiosis it is necessary to think of meiosis as part of sexual reproduction [meisosis and fertilization are the two key events defining sexual reproduction].  To put the question another way, what is the benefit of sexual reproduction (a meiosis requiring event) over that of asexual reproduction (a mitosis requiring event)?  You need only to complete a Punnett square for the genetic cross between identical parents, say Aa breeds with Aa (each parent is identical, no variation, they could be clones of one another if the species is hermaphroditic as in earthworms).   The results of this cross should yield variation among the offspring.   Thus, sexual reproduction via meiosis and fertilization produces genetic variation. 

   MEIOSIS halves the chromosome number.

            Fertilization is another event required for sexual reproduction.  Fertilization doubles the chromosome number in the offspring.  But offspring have the same chromosome number as their parents.  Therefore, the parents, through meiosis, reduced the chromosome number by one-halve in their cells capable of fertilization.  Following fertilization the chromosome number is restored to the diploid number (i.e., two sets of chromosomes, 2n).  Meiosis halves the parental diploid chromosome number by simply separating the sets of chromosomes in specialized cells in gonads (animals) or sporangia (plants; sporangia are sacs that produce spores, spores are like seeds in that they grow into a new individuals).  The process of separating the sets of chromosomes is called meiosis.  It requires a diploid cell to undergo two divisions thus producing four daughter cells each with a single set of chromosomes (i.e., haploid or n).    

V.  Meiosis and Gamete Formation in Animals [see figs. 7.13 & 7.14]

             In animals meiosis occurs in gonads and produces gametes.  This leads to a life cycle in which only gametes are haploid. 

            ·        egg formation proceeds via meiosis producing four haploid daughter cells of unequal size, only one of  which is a functional egg, the other three cells (called polar bodies) wither and die.  

·         sperm formation proceeds via meiosis producing four haploid daughter cells of equal size, each of which grow a flagellum and become functioning sperm cells.

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